The Price of Passage 2.Ěn Explosive Situation 3.ěattle Circle 4. Handmaiden (Male only) H.Ğxchange Meeting 1.Ĝantina Ambush 2. Wayward Captain 4.Ğxperiment In Delivery 5. New Trade Routes D.Ğntertainment Promenade 1. Prestige Classes 2.ĝisciple (Female only) 3.

Traps 8.ĝefending Khoonda (LSO) 9.Ěttacking Khoonda (DSO) J.

Khoonda Recruiting 5.Ěkkere's Hydrospanner 6. Jorran 2.ěuilding Your Lightsaber 3.ĝisciple H. Ghosts to Rest 2.ğake Holocron G.Ğnclave Sublevel 1. Khoonda 1.ğarm Equipment 2.Ĝhanging of the Guard 3.Ĝave Crawling 4. Handmaiden Sister Battles 3.ğreeing your Party 4. Ithorians Under Attack! H.Ĝzerka (DSO) 1. Suspicious Goods 3.Ğxchange Meeting 4.Ĝzerka Mainframe 5. TSF Bounty: Escaped Criminals 4.ğalse Batu 5. High Stakes E.Ğntertainment Module 081 1. The Harbinger 1.Ĝommand Deck 2.Ĝrew Quarters 3.Ğngine Deck J. General Informaion B.Ğbon Hawk Interior C.Ğbon Hawk Exterior D.