Many of them are in hidden locations or unmarked spots, which necessitates the right skills or even a dash of luck to even stumble across in the first place. However, in true open-world survival game fashion, Fallout 4 doesn't just hand out its best weapons on a silver platter. In the Commonwealth, having the best gear and and best weapons is what ensures one's ability to survive, so having the right tools of destruction is absolutely vital. Without preparation, the Sole Survivor will struggle as they begin their journey to find out what happened to their son Shaun. ‘Fallout 4,’ if there had been a ‘Fallout’ movie, you’d feel different about ‘Fallout’ when we’d announced ‘Fallout 4’ and one of them wouldn’t be quite right and you wouldn’t want that to be the game, where the movie takes it in another direction.The wasteland of Fallout 4 is a harsh and dangerous place. “I don’t rule it out, but nothing really has clicked where - the games are popular enough and that’s their identity. “I’ve taken a number of meetings over the years and nothing quite clicked where I felt, ‘Oh, that would be as good as the game.’ And that may happen,” Howard said.

Howard said there has been interest from Hollywood, but Bethesda has turned them all down because it is very protective of its brands and “nothing quite clicked.” If it were to greenlight a movie, it would have to be done exactly the way the company wanted it done. Todd Howard, executive producer at Bethesda Game Studios where he’s shepherded video games such as “Fallout 4” and “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,” was asked during a lengthy interview with why there hasn’t been a film adaptation of a Bethesda property yet, and why there aren’t any on the horizon either.